A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation. Previous Message · Easy read/print edition Wednesday, April 18, 2007 "What Happened To Your Hand?" "So the other disciples told him (Thomas), 'We have seen the Lord!' But he said to them, 'Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe it'" (John 20:25). When our daughter Ester was little, like many children she was intrigued by boo-boo's and maybe more so due to her many "boo-boo's" from her frequent heart procedures. If anyone was wearing a band-aid she would ask them what was wrong. This could sometimes be quite embarrassing when she'd approach a total stranger. She had a shirt she loved to wear with a very special picture on it. It showed a little girl looking up to Jesus, who has His nail-pierced hand stretched out to her. With inquisitive eyes she asked, "What happened to your hand?" I had Ester wear this shirt when we had a special ministry opportunity in a nursing home and was able to illustrate my sermon by having her going around and greeting each resident and showing them her shirt! Brooksyne thinks we still have that shirt in a childhood sentimental collection! Indeed, the nail-pierced hands of our Lord are a lasting reminder of the price paid for our redemption. Following the inquiry of Thomas in our daily verse Jesus was quite ready to provide him with this stunning evidence of His death and resurrection. On another occasion Jesus was recognized following the resurrection when He opened His hands to break bread with two of His disciples (Luke 24:35). Perhaps we too can become like little children and ask Jesus the age old question that all children ask those they're closest to; "How much do You love me?" By faith let us see Jesus extend His nail scarred hands far apart, as He did on the cross of Calvary, and hear His tender voice say, "I love You this much!" Yes, I'm headed for a home built by God alone. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! I am where the only thing that's been made by man Are the scars in the hands of Jesus. * Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber Daily prayer: Father, we consider the greatest proof of genuine love is when one lays down his life for another. We are grateful recipients of Christ's substitutionary death for us - the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Thank You for proving Your genuine love as You endured the greatest test of love and presented the greatest gift to humankind - forgiveness for our sins. We're eternally grateful and by faith we do believe. Amen. Special note: Today we both have an early meeting and thus this email message is sent out much earlier than usual. We have an opportunity to present our chaplain ministry to a group of business leaders both today and tomorrow. Virginia Tech follow-up: Yesterday we heard from several readers who had graduated from Virginia Tech and we were reminded of the importance of especially praying for the Christian ministries on campus during this time. Today's suggested music: "Here Is Love" Graham Kendrick (this includes a great introduction.) Listen to audio file A modern John Deere tractor which special steel treads as is the custom among one of the "Plain" religious groups in our area. * "The Scars In The Hands Of Jesus" Wilkin, Marijohn © 1974 Buckhorn Music |
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Daily Encouragement Net is encouraging followers of Jesus Christ with hope and encouragement from the Bible.