A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation. Previous Message · Easy read/print edition Tuesday, July 24, 2007 Early this morning we witnessed what we believe is likely the very first dip into the creek for some baby ducklings we first saw yesterday. The mother had been brooding over them after they hatched but my imposing presence as I tried to get a close-up photo prompted a trip to the creek and an apparent reluctant water entrance by the babies! "What's In Your Hand?" Then the LORD said to him, "What is that in your hand?" (Exodus 4:2). We pass a sign on Route 23 near Lancaster Pennsylvania advertising an interesting business, cleaning up dog doo-doo from your yard, a service of a "professional p**per scooper". Of course our initial reaction was "You've got to be kidding" but the sign presents this as a serious business proposition and has a phone number. I have no idea what credentials are needed for this profession nor what degree of formal education may be required. But given the nutty classes taught in some colleges I suppose such a class shouldn't surprise me. What do you have in your hand? Maybe you have a cup of coffee, like me! "What is that in your hand?" The Lord asked this question to Moses during his encounter at the burning bush. Moses had been called to deliver God's people from bondage. Rather than jumping at the opportunity he's reluctant and unsure of himself and he begins to make excuses. "They won't listen", "I can't talk good", etc. Sound like us? But God had a plan and that plan was going to be fulfilled. Of course the all-knowing God knew the answer to His own question about what was in Moses' hand, but He had an object lesson for Moses. He still teaches us through object lessons. Moses answered, "a staff." God wanted to teach Moses that He could use the ordinary to accomplish the extraordinary. Moses threw the staff to the ground and it became a snake and then back to a staff. Wow! Then God used a demonstration with Moses' hand. Surely Moses would be ready to obey now. But a few verses later Moses said, "O Lord, please send someone else to do it" (4:13). Well, as you know, Moses finally obeyed and 3500 years later is one of the great figures in history. What's in your hand this morning? Of course I'm not speaking literally now but spiritually. God still has a plan and He's still using ordinary people and ordinary things to do the extraordinary. In yesterday's message I shared about a mature couple mentoring a young couple in preparation for marriage. I enjoy seeing ordinary people using their "hands" for God's work. People just like you and me. "Just ordinary people, God uses ordinary people. He chooses people just like me and you, Who are willing to do as He commands. God uses people that will give Him all. No matter how small your all may seem to you. Because little becomes much, As you place it in the Master's hand." * Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber Daily prayer: Lord, today help me to realize that you desire to use me in the ordinary events of life. The business mentioned in the first paragraph was not a joke. See here. Scroll down and read this concerning the company: "The good people of poop butler believe Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior." * "Ordinary People" Danniebell Hall |
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Daily Encouragement Net is encouraging followers of Jesus Christ with hope and encouragement from the Bible.