Daily Encouragement Net - A daily, Bible-based message of hope and encouragement.
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The online Bible teaching ministry of Stephen & Brooksyne Weber A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation. <Previous Message · Archives · Archive edition Friday, February 26, 2010 "In Remembrance Of Me" "Deliberately Forgetting" "But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water" (2 Peter 3:5). This Lord's Day we will remember what Christ did for us as we share around the Lord's Table in Communion. Local churches vary regarding the frequency of this ordinance; some weekly, others monthly or even less frequently. But the main focus should be to remember what Christ did for us in His atoning sacrifice on the Cross. God calls His people to deliberately remember, such as the Passover Meal under the Old Covenant and the Communion service in the New Covenant. Most Communion tables in churches have this solemn inscription, "In Remembrance of Me". I am intrigued by the phrase in our daily verse, "they deliberately forget." I have been pondering this condition described by the Apostle Peter that I believe is too common in the Christian's life and in the church body. People may forget for a variety of reasons including diminished memory as we age. We often hear the phrase or utter it ourselves, "I'm having a senior moment" to describe a lapse in memory. Most of you raised children and often dealt with their neglecting to do a particular chore. When confronted, their common answer was, "I forgot." As parents we knew the truth of the matter most often was that they deliberately forgot since it was something they really didn't want to do. Today's Scripture speaks of deliberately forgetting as well; a severe spiritual condition that results when our priorities are misaligned. The King James Version words it this way: "they willingly are ignorant of." The specific issue Peter writes of is God's work at creation. This is an essential biblical subject matter many people are ignorant about which has brought about compromise and error, even in the church. I believe the word "willingly" especially describes people's ignorance toward God's creation and many other areas where God's knowledge and will are revealed. Years ago one of my professors pointed out, "When one is confronted with divine truth, and God's plan for his life, the issue will ultimately come down to making a moral choice." The first chapter of Romans is the hallmark chapter of Scripture on this topic and sums up the depraved human condition of humans who "deliberately forget". "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them" (Romans 1:18,19). Today, let us determine that we will not take for granted, nor forget or suppress the truth. Instead let us live under the authority of God's Holy Word and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We will deliberately remember His supreme sacrifice of love demonstrated to us. If we don't remember, who will be there to tell those do not yet know of God's love? Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber Daily Prayer: Father, we drink of the crushed fruit of the vine to remind us of Christ's pouring out His life's blood so that we might have forgiveness of sins. We eat the communion bread made from wheat that is cut down, threshed about, and put to the fire. So too, Jesus, the Bread of Life was threshed about to the utmost on our behalf. We deliberately remember and regularly commemorate the act that Jesus commissioned at the Last Supper with the disciples. His supreme sacrifice of dying for our sins so that we might be forgiven is worthy of great honor and faithful remembrance. Amen. The Weber Matterhorn! Today we are having some snow but mighty winds creating huge drifts such as this one right outside our office window. Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources Click on the link to open and play. (In some cases you may also need to click again to start the song.) "In Remembrance Of Me" Video Cheri Keaggy "Communion Song" Video Third Day "Remembrance" Video Matt Redmond "At The Cross" Video Michael Robert "Let Us Break Bread Together" Video "Behold The Lamb Communion Song" Video Stuart Townend |
"We want to encourage you daily in your walk with Christ!" Personal Ministry Update Revised 10/21/09 2010 YTD financial offerings as of 2/25/10 $1,125.00 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Cancel: We respect and value your time and privacy. If these messages no longer meet your needs (providing encouragement) you can remove your address by merely use the link automatically inserted by the mailing list software at the very bottom of each email message. (To change addresses cancel your old address and then join again using your new address.) Weekly Version: The weekly version is intended for those who may not check their email regularly. It is merely the Friday message with a link to previous messages. To receive the free weekly version, send a blank email to this address. Please feel free to pass these messages on! "A Daily Prayer" - A blog simply posting the daily prayer. We keep this up each day since it's merely the prayer from the Daily Encouragement Net message! "A Little Foolishness" - Humor/satire blog (a great outlet for non-serious writing but at times with a subtle message!) Last updated with the story of Mildred Swanson, who joyfully discovers her "spiritual gift" is sending forwarded emails! (Note: This material is satire!) "Clear Minded" - Longer, periodic articles on specific issues impacting the faithful believer and church. (Actually this is my intent but I haven't done much with it!) "Hymns of Hope" - Brooksyne along with two friends made a CD using classic hymns. Brooksyne tells the background story of the 11 hymns. All of these songs are also available for download on the site. Personal Mission Statement "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and I make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and to prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity." How to become a child of God Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version. © Copyright 2010 Stephen C. Weber - All Rights Reserved Daily Encouragement Net Stephen & Brooksyne Weber 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552 Contact us Endorsed chaplain "Living securely today anchored in God's solid foundation" www.dailyencouragement.net |
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