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The on line Bible teaching ministry of Stephen & Brooksyne Weber A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation. Home About Us Archives Free email subscription Follow Daily Encouragement on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn See here for more info. <Previous Message · Archive edition Wednesday, January 21, 2015 "Foundations That Will Stand!" "The Solid Foundation of Biblical Authority" This is our second message concerning "Foundations That Will Stand!" The spiritually discerning are aware of the sinking sands all around us but we thank God for foundations that will stand! "The grass withers, the flower fades. But the word of our God stands forever" (Isaiah 40:8). "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16,17). "The grass withers, the flower fades. But the word of our God stands forever." An ancient scheme of Satan is undermining and discrediting the authority of God and His Word. He shared a memorable story illustrating his point of how we need a fixed authority. A man went by a clock store every morning on the way to work and always set his watch by the clock in the display window. The store owner noticed and one day asked him why he did this. The worker said, "My watch doesn't keep good time and I have the responsibility of setting the clock that blows the whistle at the factory where I work, so I want to make sure it's correct." The store owner said, "That's interesting, my display clock doesn't keep good time either, so I set it each day by the whistle at the factory." The point of the story is that you will end up with a chaotic mess if you have no fixed reference point of authority. The lack of absolutes in our postmodern world is a breeding ground for Satan to incessantly pose questions in place of truths explicitly taught in the Bible. The result of such "tinkering" brings about massive confusion from day to day, year to year, regarding what is right and what is wrong. It can also erode confidence in those who try to uphold traditional values and truths prescribed over the centuries through the authoritative Word of God. How sure the Scriptures are! God's vital, urgent Word, as true as steel, and far more sharp than any sword: Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber Scripture memorization: The second daily verse is a tremendous text concerning the inspiration and authority of the Holy Scriptures. During our nearly forty years of ministry many children (most of whom are now adults) will recall Brooksyne's knack for putting Scriptures to music and teaching it to the kids as a memory aid. In fact she taught II Timothy 3:16 & 17 "All Scripture is God-breathed..." to the tune of the old American folk song, "Crawdad Hole." (Some of you may recall Andy Griffith singing that old southern tune while strumming his guitar on his front porch.) This last Lord's Day Brooksyne taught a class and placed the Scripture memory text to music. Between Sunday School and church I saw one of the young girls from the class in the foyer and asked her to recite the memory verse which she did - word perfect! Following a chaplain visit early this morning I stopped by to visit our Amish friends Jesse and Anna. They have some Pomsky pups just about ready to sell, including this one. I ran Jesse on a couple of errands including an Amish hardware store with these colorful new scooters for sale. We also stopped by a butcher where Jesse's hog was slaughtered and picked their meat including this fresh Scrapple, a Pennsylvania Dutch favorite Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources "How Firm A Foundation" Video Michael Card "How Firm A Foundation" Video Sovereign Grace Music “In Christ Alone/The Solid Rock " Video Travis Cottrell "Rock Of Ages" Video Antrim Mennonite Choir "How Do We Know the Bible is True?" Video Ravi Zacharias 5 Great Lessons From 5 Great Stories by Ravi Zacharias Video For further study: "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers" (Acts 2:42). We must continue steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine. To continue steadfastly is to persevere, to remain constant, to carry on without wavering. The apostles' doctrine is what the apostles taught by the authority of Christ through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, as recorded in the New Testament. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit the apostles established doctrines and practices for the church. Only a portion of the doctrine of Christ was made known during His ministry on earth. After His ascension He revealed many additional teachings to the apostles through the Holy Spirit. Shortly before His death He said: "I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come" (John 16:12,13). "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you" (John 14:26). The Holy Spirit revealed all truth to the apostles, He taught them all things, including things Jesus had not yet made known during his life on earth. The church is built on the foundational teaching of the apostles, which is nothing other than the teaching of Christ, made known through them and subsequently recorded in the New Testament. Together with Christ, the apostles and prophets form the foundation of the church: "Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone" (Ephesians 2:19,20). In the first century there were false teachers who rejected the authority of the apostles. Paul warned: "If anyone thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things which I write to you are the commandments of the Lord" (1 Corinthians 14:37). We must avoid teachers who reject the authority of the apostles: "Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple" (Romans 16:17,18). People who deviate from the doctrine of the apostles, cause division and apostasy. We must note them and avoid them, keep away from them. Even though they come with smooth words and flattering speech, they are not servants of Christ, they serve their own belly, their own base and ignoble desires. We are commanded to avoid them. It is only through the apostles and their teaching that we can have fellowship with God and Christ. John wrote: "That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ" (1 John 1:3). (Click on photo to enlarge) About Us "We want to encourage you daily in your walk with Christ!" Personal Ministry Update (Revised 12/10/14) 2015 YTD offerings to Daily Encouragement Net: $1,025.00 We express thanks to all who support our ministry! SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION These messages are never sent by us unsolicited. It was sent to you because you either signed up to receive it OR it was forwarded to you. You can also subscribe to the Wordpress rss feed or as an email subscription through Wordpress email subscription. (See the email subscription on the right side after opening this page.) Cancel: These messages are only sent from us to people who request it; please accept our apologies if it reached you in error. You can unsubscribe from this list at any time. If you no longer desire to receive these messages you can remove your address from the list by merely using the link automatically inserted by the mailing list software at the very bottom of each email message. (To change addresses cancel your old address and then join again using your new address.) Weekly Version: The weekly version is intended for those who may not check their email regularly or who may desire less frequent mailings. It is Friday's message with a link to previous messages. To receive the free weekly version, send a blank email to this address. Daily Encouragement on Facebook and Twitter: Reader Survey: Please take a few minutes to assist us in improving our ministry effectiveness by filling out this online reader survey. To take the survey click here. Your answers are anonymous and I we are unable to respond. If you want to send a personal message use the Please feel free to pass these messages on! Our other blogs: "A Daily Prayer" - A blog simply posting the daily prayer. We keep this up each day since it's merely the prayer from the Daily Encouragement Net message! "A Little Foolishness" - Humor/satire blog (a great outlet for non-serious writing but at times with a subtle message!) (Note: This material is satire!) "Clear Minded" - Longer, periodic articles on specific issues impacting the faithful believer and church. (Actually this is my intent but I haven't done much with it!) "Hymns of Hope" - Brooksyne along with two friends made a CD using classic hymns. Brooksyne tells the background story of the 11 hymns. All of these songs are also available for download on the site. Personal Mission Statement "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity." How to become a child of God Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version. Other versions are also occasionally used. © Copyright 2015 Stephen C. Weber - All Rights Reserved Endorsed chaplain "Living securely today anchored in God's solid foundation" www.dailyencouragement.net |
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